Monday, August 27, 2018



Human body is limited and thus our vivek is also limited, though it is true that man’s vivek is of much higher pedestal than other living beings/species. Vivek serves an effective tool for memory, discrimination, determination and evaluation in our daily lives. But compared to the cosmic consciousness—man’s Vivek is infinitely small component.
Our bodies can eat 3-4 Rotis/walk 2-3 miles/memorize one or two books. This shows the state of our physical limitation. Likewise we are unable to grasp future course of events or what may happen the very next moment. In our own life we make decisions with the power of our vivek—but sometimes they too prove to be wrong.  This is indicative of the fact that our sense of judgement-- supported by intelligence-- is prone to erring.

The process of man’s decision making and judgement is intimately linked to our five negative perversions and five positive attributes. The ingredients in the compound of Pralabdh Karma include –Kam , Krodh, Lobh, Moh, Ahankar and Sheel, Khshma, Sahaj, Prem, Namrata . The positive and negative aspects of our Vivek are guided for decision making by the combination of preponderance of these ingredients at any point of time.

According to Socrates, the famous Greek philosopher and thinker—Generally man’s Vivek is obsessed in pursuit of happiness for acquisition of wealth, property, fame, health social status!! He dislikes pain, poverty, disease and humiliation.
Moment’s introspection is required to assess whether wealth, property, fame, health, social status contribute to real happiness? NO!!  Wealth, property, fame simultaneously brings fear of losing them. Health and beauty also wear out. Friends and relationships change and the societal power also vanes.  Thus when such attainments are riddled with fear—Vivek is unable to be the source of lasting happiness.

Secondly the very means of acquiring wealth and fame beyond a reasonable degree involves manipulation, deceit, lies. If the very tools of such happiness are fraudulent and unjust then it only results in unhappiness and agony. People resort to unscrupulous designs because they are “ignorant” that wealth, property, fame cannot be provider of real happiness. According to Socrates they must get rid of their ignorance by “Knowing Thyself”.

Can we “know” ourselves by our ten Gyan and Karm Indriya or the ten senses of touch, taste, seeing, hearing, and smelling (gyan) in addition to use of moving, grasping, speaking, reproducing and eliminating (karm). These inner and outer outlets of mind and body are very fickle, prone to change and forced by direction of Pralbdh karma. Also every moment there is a change taking place within the body, mind-- and the related environment which includes earth/ time/ space/ subtle coverings of astral and causal bodies. So long as inner self is in harmony with totality of environment we feel momentary happiness, but that gets vitiated as soon as there is conflict between the related environment and the physica/mental frame resulting into sadness or anguish. All these ten senses are integral part of the mind and body.

Unless, says Socrates we know the soul—which is the eternal self— by freeing it from gripped effect of body/mind combo, the eternal happiness or bliss cannot be experienced. Soul is the totality of Consciousness or the Lord God itself.
आतम में राम, राम में आतम
चीनस गुर विचारा  page 1153 Guru Nanak Sahib
RUMI says  “we are not a drop in the ocean but an ocean contained in a drop”.
Says Saint Chatar das
बूँद बूँद सागर है पानी, है एह ज्ञान विनाशा ना
पाक ज़ात ते रूह दे अंदर समझ फरक इक मासा ना  
जिस ने समझ लई एह बोली मोह विच ओह फासा ना  
An oracle in Greece declared Socrates the wisest man. Socrates responded that “I know nothing”. He went to the wise men in the town and found that what they claimed “to know”, was not the real knowledge and therefore they knew not. (Meaning they had no concept of the soul). Atleast Socrates was honest in his admission that “I know nothing” and Oracle had rightly declared him as the wisest person of honesty and intellectual integrity. So Socrates became “wisest” by acknowledging that He knew nothing.
There could be another tangible answer to Socrates admission of “I know nothing”. And that is=== only “HE” knows because “I” is the ego self – is separate from the Lord and cannot know. The soul is the Omni-self whose knowledge/virtue is the very totality of consciousness.
Until our Vivek is blessed by a perfect Guru and we pursue the path outlined by Him, we cannot traverse our journey on the mystical road and get out of realm of mind which extends up to Trikuti.  
1              ज्ञान अंजन गुरु दिया अज्ञान अंधेर बिनास, हर कृपा ते संत भेटया नानक मन परगास// २९३
कुंबे बधा जल रहे , जल बिन कुम्भ न होए ज्ञान का बधा मन रहे, गुरु बिन ज्ञान न होए//४६९  
2              पड़िए जेते बरस बरस पड़िए  जेते मास;;
पड़िए जेते आरजा पड़िए जेते सास
नानक लेखे इक गल होर होअमे झख्न झाख ---४६७ म१

3              इल्मों बस करियूं यार , इको अल्फ तेरे दरकार
बहुता इलम इज्रील ने पड़या, झुग्गा झाड़ा उस दा सड़या ---बाबा बुल्ले शाह
4              अल्ला पड़ हाफिज होया न गया हिजाबों पर्दा हू
पड़ पड़ आलम फाजिल होया, तालिब होया जर दा हू
लाख हजार किताबां पड़ीयां, ज़ालिम नफस न मर्दा हू
बाझ फ़क़ीर किसे नहीं मारया, एह चोर अंदर दा हू =======हरत सुल्तान बाहू
5              पड़ पड़ सारा जग मुया पंडित भया न कोई
ढाई अक्षर प्रेम के पड़े सो पंडित होए =============साहिब कबीर साहिब
6              कबीर का घर शिखर पर,जहाँ सिलसिली गैल
पाँव न टिके पपील का, पंडित लादे बैल ===================== कमाली कबीर सहिब की लड़की
7              पड़ पड़ आलम फज़ल होया, पर मन अपने नू पड़या ही नहीं
जा जा मंदिर मसीतां वड़दा, पर मन अपने विच वड़या ही नहीं
अंवे हर रोज़ शैतान नाल लड्दा, नफस अपने नाल लड़या ही नहीं
बुल्लेशाह आसमानी उड़दा फिरदा, जिहडा घर बेठा उस नू फड़या ही नहीं 

8          जान भूझ कुआँ पड़े , पलटू चले न देख
मन माया से मिल गया, मारा गया विवेक.

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