Friday, February 9, 2024






1 बेखुद किए देते हैं अंदाज़-ए-हिजाबाना

Your veiled mannerism of beauty induces an ecstasy of selflessness within me.

2 आ दिल में तुझे रख लूं ऐ जलवा-ए-जनाना

Let me enshrine you, oh manifestation of Beloved's radiance, in the depths of my spiritual heart.

3 इतना तो करम करना ऐ नर्गिस-ए-मस्ताना

Oh God, kindly consecrate me with Your beauty whose envy intoxicates all.

4 जब जान लबों पर हो तुम सामने आ जाना

When my life's breath departs, grace me with Your presence, oh Beloved Lord.

5 दुनिया में मुझे तुम ने जब अपना बनाया है

In this world, when You have made me Yours.

6 महशर में भी कह देना यह है मेरा दीवाना

On the Day of Judgment, declare that this man is mine.

7 मंज़िल मेरे मक़सद की काबा है ना बुत-खाना

I am not seeker of destination of Holy Kaba or a Temple

8 इन दोनों से आगे चल ऐ हिम्मत-ए-मर्दाना

Oh courageous seeker, proceed and cross both of these milestones.

9 मंज़िल मेरे मक़सद की काबा है ना बुत-खाना

I am not seeker of destination of Holy Kaba or a Temple

10 ज़ैर-ए-ज़मीन रहूं के तह-ए-आसमान रहूं

Tell me oh Lord whether to live on these particle of earth or beyond the depths of sky.

11 ऐ जुस्तजू-ए-यार बता मैं कहां रहूं

My friend for whom I deeply yearn, tell me where should be my abode.

12 मंज़िल मेरे मक़सद की काबा है ना बुत-खाना

I am not seeker of destination of Holy Kaba or a Temple

13 ले कर हरम मैं शैख गया दीन की तलाश

The sheikh went to the mosque, seeking the essence of religion.

14 पंडित को बुत-कदे मैं धरम की तलाश है

The pandit seeks righteousness in the temple, where idols are placed.

15 मेरा धरम यही है के मिल जाए तू मुझे

My religion is to seek your realization

16 मुझ को तेरी निगाह-ए-करम की तलाश है ... !!!

I am in search of the gracious gaze of your kindness.

17 मंज़िल मेरे मक़सद की काबा है ना बुत-खाना

I am not seeker of destination of Holy Kaba or a Temple

18 वाज़ कमाल-ए-तर्क से मिलती हैं मुरादें

Oh ascetic, do you believe that through the perfection of reasoning, aspirations are fulfilled?

19 दुनिया जो छोड़ दी है तो उक़्बा भी छोड़ दे

20 If  you have forsaken worldly cravings, relinquish the yearning for heavenly life after death.

21 है आशिक़ी मैं रस्म अलग सब से बैठना

The customary requirement of real Ishq is not to follow the crowd and be apart from others.

22 बुत-खाना भी हरम भी कलीसा भी छोड़ दे ... !!!

Forget about temples, mosques, and churches, and even forsake the rituals and customs.

23 मंज़िल मेरे मक़सद की काबा है ना बुत-खाना

I am not seeker of destination of Holy Kaba or a Temple

24 अब आदमी कुछ और हमारी नज़र में है

Now my eyes (mind) is looking for an exceptional person

25 जब से सुना है यार लिबास-ए-बशर में है

When I heard that my friend( God) had manifested in the form of a human being ( Murshid-e Kamil)

26 सेहन-ए-हरम में है ना बुतों के नगर में है

God is not in the courtyard of Kaba nor any township of idols.

27 जिस की तुझे तलाश है वो दिल के घर में है !!!

The One Lord I am seeking is the resident in my (spiritual)heart

28 मंज़िल मेरे मक़सद की काबा है ना बुत-खाना

I am not seeker of destination of Holy Kaba or a Temple

29 इन दोनों से आगे चल ऐ हिम्मत-ए-मर्दाना

Oh courageous seeker, move beyond both.

30 वहदत में तेरी हर्फ़ दुई का न आ सके

In Oneness of the Lord, duality is meaningless.

31 आइना क्या मजाल तुझे मुंह दिखा सके

What audacity does the mirror have to show You (who is beyond reflection).

32 अर्ज-ओ-समा कहां तेरी वुस्‍अत को पा सके

Where can the earth and the sky find the limits of Your expanse.

33  मेरा ही दिल है वो के जहाँ तू समा सके ... !!!

However, only my mystical heart is where You can dwell, oh Lord.

34 आ दिल में तुझे रख लूं ऐ जलवा-ए-जनाना

Come, let me enshrine you, oh manifestation of Beloved's radiance, in depths of my spiritual heart.

35 जो नक़्श है हस्ती का धोका नज़र आता है

What is seen in Your creation is the delusion of existence

36 पर्दे पे मुसव्विर ही तन्हा नज़र आता है ... !!!

The veiled --the artist Creator-- also appears in solitary loneliness.

37 आ दिल में तुझे रख लूं ऐ जलवा-ए-जनाना

Come, let me enshrine you, oh manifestation of Beloved's radiance, in depths of my spiritual heart

38  उस चश्म-ए-बसुरूर का आलम ना पूछिए

The state of the One Lord, who looks with cheerfulness, can not be described.

39 इक इक निगाह है कई आलम लिए हुए

Each of Your glances carries several realms."

40 उठऐ नक़ाब-ए-यार के बैठे हैं देर से

Oh God, unveil yourself; we have been waiting for your blessed glance for a long time.

41 कितने गरीब दीदा-ए-पुर-नाम लिए हुए ... !!!

"Many impoverished ones are carrying (imagining) the vision of Your complete name.

42 मैखाना-ए-हस्ती में मै-कश वही मै-कश है

"In the tavern of existence, the cupbearer ( spiritual guide)  is the same cupbearer or the Lord.

43  सम्भले तो बेहक जाए बेहके तो संभल जाए

If one is cautious, one may lose control; if one loses control, one may find stability."

Note--. It encourages finding a harmonious balance between restraint and surrender in pursuing spiritual enlightenment.

44 ऐ जलवा-ए-जनाना फिर ऐसी झलक दिखला

Oh, manifestation of the Divine radiance, pray for your momentary experience

45  हसरत भी रहे बाक़ी अरमान भी निकल जाए ... !!!

My Craving may persist, yet desires may also be fulfilled !!!"

46 आ दिल में तुझे रख लूं ऐ जलवा-ए-जनाना

Come, let me enshrine you, oh manifestation of Beloved's radiance, in the depths of my spiritual heart

47 मुझे तेरी आरज़ू है मेरी ख़लवतों में आ जा

In my prayers, I wish you experience in meditative contemplations.

48.मुझे वास्ता है तुझ से मेरे दिल में तू समा जा

My sole concern is that you give me Divine awareness in my spiritual heart.

49 मेरी ज़िंदगी के मालिक मेरी ज़िंदगी में आ जा

Oh the Lord of my life, enshrine my life with your presence.

50 तुझे ढूंढती हैं नज़रें मुझे इक झलक दिखा जा ... !!!

The intensity of seeking by my inner eyes cannot be restrained. I was hoping you could give me a momentary experience of your presence.

51 आ दिल में तुझे रख लूं ऐ जलवा-ए-जनाना

Come, let me enshrine you, oh manifestation of Beloved's radiance, in depths of my spiritual heart

बस जान गया मैं तेरी पहचान यही है

52 Now I know how to recognise You

तू दिल में तो आता है समझ में नहीं आता ... !!!

53 You are always present in the spiritual heart but not in the realm of rational understanding

54 आ दिल में तुझे रख लूं ऐ जलवा-ए-जनाना

Come, let me enshrine you, oh manifestation of Beloved's radiance, in depths of my spiritual heart

55 मीरी में फक़ीरी में शाही में ग़ुलामी में"

"Even in times of glorious abundance or as a humble devotee or in my Royalty or serfdom as a slave."

Essence: Regardless of my social status or circumstances, my essence remains the same whether I am in a position of power or in a state of humility.

56 कुछ काम नहीं बनता बे-जुर्रत-ए-रिंदाना" –

"Nothing is achieved, and all goes waste even in the state of divine intoxication."

Essence: Even in spiritual ecstasy or divine intoxication, worldly achievements hold no significance and ultimately lead to nothing.

57 मिट कर भी रहे बाकी जो तुझ पे मिटे साक़ी" –

"Those who obliterated their existence, Oh God, they still survive with You."

Essence: Even after surrendering completely to the divine, those who have dissolved their ego and individual existence continue to unite with the Divine.

58 मिट्ते हैं तो बनते हैं खाक-ए-दर-ए-मैखाना ... !!!" - "

Do we transform as Your dust after self-annihilation in your Tavern??"

Essence: After self-annihilation, do we become like the dust at the doorstep of the Divine tavern, symbolizing complete submission and unity with the Divine?

59 "पीने को तो पी लूं गा पर शर्त ज़रा सी है"

"I shall drink wine (Divine nectar) but with one minor condition."

Essence: The speaker expresses willingness to partake in spiritual ecstasy (symbolized by drinking wine) but with a small condition attached.

60 साक़ी हो नजफ का और करबला का हो मैखाना"

Let the cupbearer be of Najaf (the city in Iraq where Imam Ali was buried) and the tavern be in Karbala (where Caliph Yazid massacred Hazrat Hussein, son of Imam Ali).

Essence: The speaker desires that the one who offers the Divine nectar (symbolized by the cupbearer) be associated with places of great significance in Shia Islam, implying a connection to spirituality and martyrdom.

61 हम आसियों पर रब ने ये इहसान किया है"

The Lord has blessed sinners like us with this favor."

Essence: Despite being sinners, the speaker acknowledges the mercy and favour bestowed upon them by the Divine.

62 हम को असीर-ए-हैदर-ए-कर्रार अ.स. किया है"

"That a commitment was made to captives (devotees) of Hazrat Hussain."

Essence: The speaker expresses gratitude for being bound in devotion to Hazrat Hussain, implying a sense of honour and privilege as his devotee.

63 आती है सदा आज भी करबला की ज़मीन से"

"That He still guides us with His benevolence from the soil of Karbala."

Essence: The speaker acknowledges the continuous guidance and benevolence received from the sacred land of Karbala, emphasizing the ongoing spiritual connection to the events and teachings associated with it.

64"मिलने का नहीं हमसर-ए-शब्बीर अ.स. कहीं से"

"Hazrat Hussain is incomparable to anyone."

Essence: The speaker asserts that Hazrat Hussain, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, cannot be compared to anyone else due to his unique and exalted status.

65 "हरिआन हूँ मैं उस शख्स पे जिस ने ये न जाना"

"Amazed am I on any one who is unaware."

Essence: The speaker expresses astonishment at anyone who remains unaware or ignorant of the greatness and significance of Hazrat Hussain.

66 "अव्वल भी है अफजल भी मुहम्मद स.अ.व.व. का घराना"

"That the family of the Prophet Muhammad is the First-par excellence."

Essence: The speaker acknowledges and emphasizes the unparalleled excellence and nobility of the family of the Prophet Muhammad, including Hazrat Hussain and his brother Hazrat Abbas (referred to as Afzal). This verse highlights the esteemed lineage and status of the Prophet's family in Islamic tradition.

67 साक़ी हो नजफ का और करबला का हो मैखाना [चोरस]

Let the cupbearer be of Najaf (the city in Iraq where Imam Ali was buried) and the tavern be in Karbala (where Caliph Yazid massacred Hazrat Hussein, son of Imam Ali).

68 बेखुद किए देते हैं अंदाज़-ए-हिजाबाना

our veiled mannerism of beauty induces an ecstasy of selflessness  within me.

69 आ दिल में तुझे रख लूं ऐ जलवा-ए-जनाना

Let me enshrine you, oh manifestation of Beloved's radiance, in the depths of my spiritual heart.