Saturday, June 28, 2014


Tejinder Narang
Mystic Mirdad proceeded to the stable and spoke kind words to a sick cow for her wellness. The disciple asked Mirdad how can a cow understand Him?  Mirdad replied— what matters is the “vibrations of words” and not the words. After a while, the cow responded in good health.
Any name or “naam”, say Gopal-- a word (shabd in Hindi) -- uttered from mouth and heard through ears becomes an audio frequency that identifies the person Gopal in mental consciousness. Likewise process of seeing is conversion of light frequency to cognitive energy in consciousness.  Only a consciousness in vibratory mode can decipher frequencies and not a dud consciousness.
Sanctified “vibrations of words” can be resonations or “dhun”, also termed as “Shabd Dhun” in Indian spiritual thought. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. All things were made by Him,” says Holy Bible.  Without the Word, existence ceases.  The “Word” or “Shabd” may be a mystical connotation, yet an expanse of infinite vibrational energy.
Five elements of nature-air, fire, earth, water, ether—are energies generated by oscillations of atomic or sub atomic particles. All beings, including humans, are a mixture of these five elements, and therefore represent compounded form of vibrational energies.  Heart beats are the most prominent rhythmic pulsations of a body. Light, sound, thoughts/ communications, changing seasons, planets etc. are all signatures of vibrational diversities. Vibrations are thus seamless connectivity of life and (to what we infer as) non-life.
God perhaps too is boundless, powerful and primal vibration from where currents of diverse frequencies descend to manifest in subtle/gross forms. Unity and diversity are interwoven while suggesting sublime intimacy of spirituality and science.


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