These are some of the
verses on *Maya* mostly taken from the **Sri Guru Granth Sahib**, along with
page numbers. The term *Maya* encompasses the transient aspects of life and
human attachments. Gurbani uses words like *कूड़* (falsehood), *माई* (mother), *मोहि* (attachment), *रोगी* (diseased), *सुपने* (dream), worldly darkness, and personal possessions
to allude to Maya. Also included are verses from Kabir Sahib, Baba Farid, Baba
Bulleh Shah, and Allama Iqbal.
1. **Guru Nanak Sahib on
Truth and Illusion**
**Page 1**
**किव सचिआरा होईऐ किव कूड़े
तुटे पाल ॥
हुकमि रजाई चलਣਾ नानक लिखिआ नालि ॥**
So how can you become truthful? And how can
the veil of illusion be torn away? O Nanak, it is written that you shall obey
the Hukam of His Command, and walk in the Way of His Will.
To attain truthfulness and break free from
illusions, one must surrender to the Divine Will. Following His command and
embracing righteousness leads to liberation from the confines of *Maya*.
2. **The Divine Mother and
the Illusory Trinity**
**Page 7**
**एका माई जुगति विआई तिनि
चेले परवाणु ॥
इकु संसारी इकु भंडारी इकु लाए
दीबाणु ॥**
The One Divine Mother conceived and gave
birth to the three deities. One is the Creator of the World, One is the
Sustainer, and One is the Destroyer.
*Maya*, as the Divine Creative Force,
manifests in creation, sustenance, and destruction, symbolizing unity in
diversity. These "three disciples" represent divine functions, acting
by the Creator’s command.
3. **Guru Arjan Dev Ji on
Attachment to Maya**
**Page 204**
**माया मोहि सभो जगु सूता
किउ बिनु सतिगुरु भरमु चुकै
The whole world is asleep, in the bondage of
attachment to Maya. How can it be freed of doubt without the True Guru?
The world lies trapped in Maya’s delusions.
Liberation from this illusion requires the True Guru’s guidance, who dispels
doubts and awakens one to divine truth.
4. **The False Wisdom of
the Mind**
**Page 467**
**नानक मती मिथिआ करमु सचा
नीसाणु ॥ २ ॥**
O Nanak, all these things (including the
wisdom of the self) are false or a myth. True is the Insignia of His Grace.
Wisdom derived from worldly knowledge is
illusory. True understanding comes from Divine grace, which marks the authentic
truth in our lives.
5. **Guru Nanak Sahib on
the Illusion of Worldly Power**
**Page 468**
**कूड़ु राजा कूड़ु परजा कूड़ु
सभु संसारु ॥
कूड़ु मंडप कूड़ु माड़ी कूड़ु
बैसणहारु ॥
कूड़ु सुइना कूड़ु रुपा कूड़ु
पैन्हणहारु ॥
कूड़ि कूड़ै नेहु लगा विसरिआ करतारु
किसु नालि कीचै दोसती सभु जगु
चलणहारु ॥**
False is the king, false are the subjects;
false is the whole world. False are the mansions, false the houses, and false
are those who dwell within them.
All worldly power, wealth, and relationships
are transient illusions, binding people to pride and attachments.
6. **The Three Gunas as
**Page 1123**
**रज गुण तम गुण सत गुण कहीऐ
इह तेरी सभ माइआ ॥
चौथे पद कउ जो नरु चीन्है तिन्ह
ही परम पदु पाइआ ॥**
Raajas (activity), Taamas (inertia), and
Satva (purity) are all creations of Maya. Only those who realize the fourth
state attain the supreme state.
The qualities of Rajas, Tamas, and Satva are
illusions. True liberation requires transcending these qualities to reach the
7. **Guru Arjan Dev Ji on
Spiritual Disease**
**Page 1140**
**जो जो दीसै सो सो रोगी
रोग रहित मेरा सतिगुरु जोगी ॥१॥
रहाउ ॥**
Whoever I see is diseased. Only my True
Guru, the True Yogi, is free of disease.
This verse highlights the spiritual
afflictions present in the world. The True Guru, embodying divine purity,
guides others beyond the "diseases" of ego, desire, and attachment.
8. **Attachment to Maya as
**Page 1140**
**माइआ मोहि कड़े कड़ि पचिआ
बिनु नावै भ्रमि भ्रमि खपिआ ॥१॥
रहाउ ॥**
In love and attachment to Maya, mortals are
consumed by deep sorrow. Without the Name, they wander endlessly and waste
Attachment to *Maya* fills life with sorrow
and dissatisfaction, leaving individuals spiritually lost.
9. **Kabir on Maya as a
**Page 1365**
**कबीर माया डोलनी पवनु
झकोलनहारु ॥
साकत बूडे बूडि गए कहि कबीर
बीचारु ॥**
Kabir, Maya is the whirlpool, and the wind
is the one who rocks it. The faithless cynics are drowned, says Kabir after
deep reflection.
*Maya* is like a whirlpool, with desires as
winds that agitate it. True understanding helps transcend this illusion.
10. **Baba Farid on the
Futility of Worldly Attachments**
**Page 1380**
**फरीदा कोठे मंडप माड़ीआ
उसारेदे भी गए।
कूड़ा सउदा करि गए गोरी आइ
Farid, those who built mansions and lofty
buildings have also passed away.
Worldly possessions are futile, as those
who amass them ultimately leave empty-handed.
11. **Guru Nanak Sahib on
False Pride**
**Page 1428**
**झूठै मानु कहा करै जगु सुपने
जिउ जानु ॥
इन मै कछु तेरो नही नानक कहिओ
बखानि ॥४१॥**
Why take false pride in yourself? Know that
the world is just a dream.
Worldly pride is futile; life is fleeting,
like a dream, and nothing truly belongs to us.
12. **Guru Nanak Sahib on
the Mind’s Entrapment in Maya**
**Page 1428**
**मनु माइआ मै रमि रहिओ निकसत
नाहिन मीत ॥
नानक मूरति चित्र जिउ छाडित
नाहिन भीति ॥३७॥**
The mind is absorbed in Maya—it cannot
escape it, my friend.
A mind caught in Maya is fixed, like a
picture on a wall, unable to break free.
13. **Guru Nanak Sahib on
the Dream-like World**
**Page 1429**
**रामु गइओ रावनु गइओ जा कउ
बहु परवारु ॥
कहु नानक थिरु कछु नही सुपने जिउ
संसारु ॥५०॥**
Ram Chand and Ravan both passed away.
Nothing lasts forever; the world is like a dream.
Life is as fleeting as a dream; even the
powerful must depart.
14. **Guru Nanak Sahib on
Worry and Impermanence**
**Page 1429**
**चिंता ता की कीजीऐ जो अनहोनी
होइ ॥
इहु मारगु संसार को नानक थिरु
नही कोइ ॥५१॥**
Why worry? Nothing here is permanent.
Worry is an illusion; stability exists only
in the Divine.
15. **Guru Nanak Sahib on
Creation and Destruction**
**Page 1429**
**जो उपजिओ सो बिनसि है परो
आजु कै कालि ॥
नानक हरि गुन गाइ ले
छाडि सगल जंजाल ॥५२॥**
Everything created will be destroyed; only
Divine praise brings freedom.
True liberation lies in praising the Divine
and letting go of worldly distractions.
16. **Kabir on Life’s
**क्या माँग कछु थिर न रहाई, देखत नैन चल्यो जग जाई।
इक लख पूत सवालख नाती, जा रावन घर दिया न बाती ।
कहैं कबीर अंत की बारी, हाथ झारि ज्यों चला
Ravan, with all his wealth, left
empty-handed. Life’s attachments fade.
17. **Kabir on the
Persistent Nature of Desire**
**माया मारी न मन मरा, मर मर गए शरीर।
आशा तृष्णा ना मारी कह गए दास
Maya has not been conquered, nor has the
mind died; the body may perish, but desire remains.
Worldly desires persist even when the body
dies, making true liberation elusive.
18. **Baba Bulleh Shah on
Inner Reflection**
**ऐथे दुनिया विच हनेरा है अते
तिलकन बाज़ी वेहड़ा है।
अंदर वड के वेखो केहड़ा है, बाहर खलकत पई डूंड दी
मूहं आई बात ना रहन्दी
In this world, there is darkness; look
within, as the masses search outside.
True understanding lies within; outer
appearances are deceptive.
19. **Allama Iqbal on the
Illusion of Wealth**
**ये माल-ओ-दौलत-ए-दुनिया, ये रिश्ता ओ पैवंद
बुतान-ए-वहम-ओ-गुमाँ, ला-इलाहा-इल्लल्लाह।**
This world of riches and bonds are idols of
illusion. Only the Divine is true.
20. **Sayyad Baqar Hussain
on the Enchantment of Maya**
**अजब अंदाज़ तुझको नरगिसे
मस्ताना आता है
के हर होशियार यहाँ बन्ने को
दीवाना आता है।**
O enchanting illusion, even the wise seek
madness from you.
Maya entices even the wise, challenging
true wisdom.
This document provides
insight into the transient nature of worldly attachments and *Maya*,
highlighting the importance of seeking the eternal Divine truth beyond
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