Wednesday, December 12, 2018


Mystics speak about what is “revealed” to them by the Divine, while the “reason” relies upon logic of mind and science.
 Kabir/ Guru Nanak Sahib and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) state the following of such revelations about God.
          1.         कह कबीर हम धुर के भेदी हुकम हजूरी लाये—कबीर 
          2.         जैसे में आवे खसम की बानी तेस्ड़ा करूँ ज्ञान वे लालो—गुरु नानक 
          3.         ला इलाही इल अल्लाह मुहम्मद रासुल्लाह—मुहम्मद साहिब 
Mystics who were or are blessed a communion with Him passed on their experience to serious seekers and also given them the technique of experiencing the Lord. Thus disciples of such mystics have authenticated the experience of their Master Mystic and that has again been re-verified by their followers. Followers of Jesus also endorsed about the “Word” as the primal creative power like other Saints of the highest order.
Some of the Sufis mention about certain level of revelations, yet they admit that there could be still higher level of spiritual surprise to which they are not exposed so far.
There are references in Judaism, Christianity and Islam of Divinity has been communicated by God through Archangels like Gabriel. In Hinduism, revelations of Braham—the Mind world-- have been conveyed via Krishna—an incarnation of Vishnu in Bhagwat Gita. Likewise mythological narratives (Ramayana, Mahabharata) are also an instrument to transmit mystic knowledge through Rishis, Munnis etc.
Likewise reading, translating, interpreting Holy Scriptures is subject of personal understanding, rather than the Truth experienced by the Mystics. Unless the experience is provided by Divine touch, that is above the realm of mind—they are deemed subjective by saints of the Highest order.
Philosophers and scientists speak about God as an energy that has been converted into matter; convertibility of matter back into energy; Big Bang theory for the beginning of Creation; understanding about laws of Nature, determination of facts about atoms / electrons other known and unknown particles; study of planets and origin of life from amoeba etc. Attempt of theologians and scientists has been to explain the deeper aspects of reality of time and space by distinguishing between the transient and illusive aspects of life including that of humans. Are concepts of time and space absolute or relative? They appear to be absolute but are relative in the real sense.
Socrates spoke about “know thyself” and his ideas were further elaborated by Plato and Aristotle through logic. Consciousness cannot be seen in the brain and theories of consciousness have eveolved. Galileo confirmed roundness of earth and details about other planetary configuration; Newton confirmed about laws of gravity, and of action and reaction; Edison about electricity, Einstein about theory of relativity and energy/matter relationship, speed of light, Planck about energy carried in light/ photon. One of the most famous quotes of Planck –
“Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are part of the mystery that we are trying to solve. An experiment is a question which science poses to Nature, and a measurement is the recording of Nature’s answer.  We have no right to assume that any physical laws exist, or if they have existed up until now, that they will continue to exist in a similar manner in future”. 
So true –man itself is a Mystery—despite so much advancement in medicine and  medical. And man is trying to resolve the Mystery of Nature. How can a mystery decipher yet another mystery? This is the greatest limitation. If nature has determined speed of light at 300 000 000 meters per second (300 million m/sec), can man alter it? If one revolution of earth around sun is in 24 hrs or the inclination of the earth is about 230 or the distance between earth and sun is 150 million km or normal body temperature is 360 Celsius or the water is made of H2O that is of two parts of Hydrogen and one part of Oxygen gas—these are physical laws as of now. Man can measure them but cannot modify them. Neither man can imagine that these parameters will be perpetual in future. Nature at its will and command can adjust them. Man cannot know future. It is estimated that Man’s total knowledge from the inception of Universe till now is about 4% of the Cosmic Reality.
Based upon the essence of quotes of Planck –it can be safely concluded that revealed understanding is superior to the reasoned understanding—as the latter may undergo change any time.  Guru Nanak Sahib in Jap Ji declares  सोचे सोच न होवई जे सोची लाख वार –by thinking , he cannot be reduced to thought, even by thinking hundreds of thousands times. 
That is why Baba Bulle Shah says—
इल्मों बस करीयोंओ यार इको अल्फ तेरे दरकार

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