Monday, September 24, 2018



There is always a question whether the teacher or Guru or Murshid came first or his teachings. It is like chicken and egg story—who came first. There cannot be any teachings without a teacher; neither there can be any teachings without the teacher. Guru or Murshid looks like all of us---they walk, talk, eat, fall ill-- like all other human beings. But the real Guru cannot be a body because the body is subject to change and is Maya—आये जाये यह माया का रूप//

But right now we focus more on the personality than on the teachings. Teachings are permanent and need to put into practice. Gurbani says that both the Master and disciples are shabd form —शब्द गुरु सुरत धुन चेला == that the real Guru or Murshid is the Shabd, the creative power, while our consciousness (of lower level) is the disciple. The disciple has to follow/practice the teachings to realise the Shabd (of higher consciousness) or the shabd form of Guru.

No Guru brings new teachings except they lay emphasis on some specific aspects depending upon the socio-economic conditions of the world prevalent at those times. One has to qualify in all the subjects to pass an examination (simran, dhayan, listening to shabd Dhun and leading a life of santmat).  Mind cannot be controlled until it experiences the melody of Dhun. Gurbani says – धुन वाजे अनहद घोरा, मन मान्य हर रस मोरा//  

Bible says that “in the beginning was the Word and that Word was God and Word was with God”. Translated in our common language Word also means the Shabd. That Shabd is not visible. it has to be experienced.  
Human beings indulge in the habit of giving a form to the God. Many atheists believe that there is no God. They are right, because God is formless. As humans we cannot imagine or recognise anyone unless there is a body. Shabd or God is a form of energy. Atheists also believe that energy is responsible for the creation that is formless. Sun, moon, water, fire etc. all energies created by God. At higher level of understanding there is no contradiction.

To explain about that energy, Guru or Murshid come to give the teachings to the disciples. Starting point of both is the body and start has to be made with a body—but the end is to experience the shabd within.

However, after passing away of any mystic we understand only the shallow meaning of their teachings. That is how many religions have sprung up—with superficial meanings of spirituality. Mystic’s teachings should be understood in depth and deeper comprehension has to be acquired by practicing them.

In science we also start with certain assumptions. For example elementary chemistry says that water is made of certain parts hydrogen and oxygen while both these elements are not visible (to naked eye). But after understanding and experimentation, we conclude that specific parts of Hydrogen and oxygen, when combined, form water. Similarly we have to begin with certain assumptions in santmat as teachings of the Guru or Murshid, then practice as advised for realization.

The moment we recognise the body as the Guru, we try to conform to the personality of that Mystic as to how he speaks, wears or acts in daily routine of his life. Then we form an opinion about him. Our faith and conviction is based upon an opinion and if someone tells us otherwise, we become confused. Mystics are never conformists. The moment people presume them to be conformist they do things which are unexplainable.

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