Tejinder Narang
Spiritual aspirants sometimes take a vow of silence (maun varat). They believe that speech
diverts focus from the Divine. But they forget it is the “mind that keeps on
jabbering” within even if vocal chords are sealed. The digression from the Divine
Those who wander as recluse for the Truth, in fact fear that
pull of world might ensnare them. If fear is the basis for inquisition of the Truth,
then it is best not to be a seeker of the Truth. In
lonely habitats mind is suppressed and when ascetics revert to real world, passions over power again. Many rishi/ munnis
became victims of moral degeneration. If some sadhus acquire riddhis/ siddhis,
they tend to consume them for name and fame. All attainments stand negated.
Some prefer life of scientific enquiry. For them spirituality
may be a hallucination while science evidences proofs. The facts being that
both paths relate to “enquiry” through research and complement each other. Science
improvises world and creates an enabling environment for research within
body—temple of living God-- for self- realization.Meditative concentration is not feasible in
poverty, hunger, disease.
Recently Physicists discovered “God particle” which empowers subatomic
activity of cosmos. Saint Kabir described cosmic relationship as drop and ocean
(boond and sagar). Hindu texts
indicate it as atma and Parmatama.
“God particle” or “drop” is encapsulated in time and space; while God/ Ocean
are beyond time and space. This conscious realization is termed spirituality
and alludes to entwined nature of science/mysticism.
Spiritual realization in human body defined as “ocean in a
pitcher” (gaggar mein sagar) by Kabir
Sahib and other perfect Masters is determined by Divine grace (kripa) when coupled with love and
devotion. Role of intellect (buddhi or
gyan) and efforts is vital but not the decisive factor.
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