Saturday, September 27, 2014




Tejinder Narang
 A sadhu mediated on a stone for 50 years. God appeared and demanded that sadhu seek forgiveness of his sins. Sadhu claimed that he is free from all sins. Lord replied that 60 kg of his body weight was borne by stone for 50 years in recent past. If that liability is to be squared up, stone must sit on sadhu’s head for that much time.
Unless sadhu seeks forgiveness from stone and stone in turns grants clemency, Lord mentioned that He will have to turn him (sadhu) into stone and let stone become a sadhu for karmic settlement.
In case sadhu refuses to plead forgiveness or if stone is unforgiving, Nature compulsively intervenes. Thus sadhu must pass through devolutionary process into lower species/animal/bird/insects etc. till he degrades to stone. Simultaneously stone must evolve in ascending scale as human being into devout sadhu in an indeterminate time frame. Nature will then match time and space for reversal of karmic account. 
Yet there could be odd situations. If any one of the parties dies, revenge or hurt may persist. Forgiveness cannot be evoked. Also if one kills another being, clemency cannot be applied. Wages of cruelty are then settled with matching force or brutality.
Non-forgiveness means living through life cycles of painful struggle of evolution and devolution. When men question unpredictable unexplained occurrences in life, they forget that Nature settles all actions, including sanskaras (impressions) in vastness of time and space. Atonement through forgiveness is the compassionate discretion accorded to man by the Lord.
Also, Lord may facilitate forgiveness of sins committed voluntarily or involuntarily by repentance through His Sons or Saints. Bible says, “[Jesus] is the atoning sacrifice for our sins”. Finally a third party’s intermediation becomes imperative for unsettled matters.

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