Saturday, May 31, 2014


Happiness in Unhappiness

Tejinder Narang

In moments of happiness, a doubt flashes whether this joy will survive. “Ácche din ayenge” is a whiff of happiness, but —what, if they do not? Efforts, worries, fears in pursuit of happiness make life uneasy. A healthy person may not be wealthy and cheerfulness is diminished. Furthermore, “Sukh” soon changes into “Dukh” and vice-versa, and life swings as a pendulum in two extremes. These are some inferences of happiness in unhappiness.

Divine design configured through karmic principle mandates that human body be an abode of both pleasure and pain. Out of sheer necessity these must prevail.  Thus, expectation of lifelong bliss is a hyper delusion, because life is not designed that way. For example, an automobile can run slow or fast but cannot fly—because it is not structured to be air borne.  

 People chase God men or perform austerities for riddance of disease, acquisition of wealth, position, comforts and relationships etc. Even if such goodies are blessed, they may soon degenerate into ego, jealousy, losses, betrayal, disputes etc.  Is an obsession for happiness wrong? Certainly, Not.  However, non-acceptance of unhappiness is “the wrong” and painful.  

Neither the purpose of God men or religiosity is to make this world a heaven. Nor this world has or can be a paradise despite presence of spiritual saints, sermons of scriptures and through prayers. They merely make this existence a tolerable habitat.

Nanak Dukhiya sab sansar, so sukhiya jo nam adhaar—says Guru Nanak---all in this world are unhappy except those who have abiding faith in His Word.   Man has to accept fait-accompli of His inscrutable Will with firm conviction so that adversity is borne with relative ease. Unhappiness shadows happiness all time. In utter helplessness, Man survives just by “acceptance” alone.

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