Friday, September 6, 2013


(DELHI 11TH OCT 2008)

(As heard, understood and partially recalled from memory)

In these uncertain times, we are reacting all times. Infact our life has become a life of reaction. We have forgotten to live. We react because we are unable to cope up with ups and down of life.  There are going to be ups and downs in life. Hazur used to say that weather must change. It is never always the same. We must adjust according to the changes in weather. In winter we wear warm clothing and in summer we use the fan. This is the way we make adjustments in life. Just as good time has passed, so shall the bad phase too will pass away. Such changes —good and bad—give us maturity in life.

Hazur would often say that we cannot collect all the thorns of the world. If we wear thick shoes we remain unaffected by the pain of thorns. So we have to insulate ourselves from the effect of these thorns by understanding life. We normally confuse knowledge with understanding. What we gather by reading is knowledge and unless we put that knowledge into action and gain experience for ourselves we cannot get real understanding. Otherwise we remain at the level of concepts throughout the entire life.
We must understand that we need a strong anchor in life to survive through ups and downs of life. If the anchor is strong the ship can withstand all storms of the sea. Meditation, bhajan and simran are our anchors that will make us understand life in its true perspective.

Before coming to the path all of us were associated with some religion or the other. Then what were the reasons of coming to this path? Perhaps we felt that we need to go beyond the ceremonies of religions and move on the path of spirituality. Unfortunately religions these days have become branded as Hindus and Sikhs. We need to differentiate between the brand and practice of religions. These ceremonies and rituals will not give us salvation. Love is at the core of all religions. Tenth Guru of Sikhs has stated—

Saach khon sunn lo sabhi, jinn prem kiya tin he prabh payo
Those who Love Him will alone be able to meet the Lord.
Christ also said, “God is Love. Love is God.

It is important that we need to understand ourselves before we can know God. Self realization before God realization.  We believe that God is someone very far away. No, He is here and everywhere and much closer to what we can imagine. It is just a question of realization and realizing Him within.

It is good to attend satsangs and read scriptures. But unless we do whatever is told in satsangs and written in books, all this is an exercise in futility. For God realization we must give priority to meditation over everything else in life. That will give us experience, understanding, strength and faith and that faith will make us withstand ups and downs of life.

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