Monday, December 10, 2012


Reflection(s) of Reality
Tejinder Narang
All men of God, saints, gurus, rishis, divine incarnations, messengers of God, mystics, speak of the same Universal Truth.  Do all of them have the ‘same inner experience’ at elevated consciousness?? May be or maybe not.
Indian mysticism classifies Creation in four prime planes. Pinda, Anda, Brahamanda, (physical, Astral, Causal worlds) are three cosmic states in ascending order where mind and matter are sustained by divine current. Mind and matter are progressively finer and subtler in astral and causal planes. The fourth stage is of Parbrham—the Creator/ Creative power/ unalloyed God hood
Some mystics endorse that below Parbrahm( God’s abode), “Causal, Astral and Physical” planes are mirror reflections of domains above each of them. Parbrahm- is reflected in Brahmanda; Anda (Astral) is a reflection of Brahmanda (Causal). Our physical universe (Pinda) is yet another projection of Anda (Astral) region.  Each downward reflection is sub-sublime and coarser than higher plane above it. Reason-- Divinity diminishes in descending progression with relative increase in ratio of mind and matter.
Inner experiences may be replications in human consciousness of any or all stages. Therefore all mystics/ religions validate same Divine fabric. But it may be difficult even for them to appraise the level that they have ascended—because each “cosmic state” is said to be million times more magnificent than the lower one.  Reflection(s) may be illusions but still preferable over No-Reality. Are inner mystical experiences of “Reflected Reality or “the Reality”? Truly beyond comprehension of ordinary mind and mortals!!


  1. v v informative and beautifully written

  2. Tough to comprehend. An ordinary mind needs special powers and blessings to traverse these experiences.
