Saturday, September 5, 2009



We remain confused with the concept of love and hate in our daily life. Sometimes it appears that we love an idea or an object and sometimes we feel that the same love stands transmuted into hate. Mind creates, as we all know, circumstantial love and hate situations. First of all, everyone loves one’s own self more than anybody else. Even personal hate is a reflection of love for one’s own self. Next step is-- when it is said that “I love so and so”, then it logically means that “I do not love others or love less than so and so”. Thus the concept of love gets categorized. If Love leads to a division—then the very basis of Love is destroyed.

Infact we neither love nor hate in real sense. When we profit physically, financially or emotionally from a situation we say it is love; when we lose, we call it hate. Hazur once remarked that if one gives a tip to a taxi driver in USA, he replies to the customer that “I love you—this is the level that love has been reduced to”. Love is barter for exalted ego and hate is traded for low self esteem. Love and hate are feelings that breed upon instant cravings of our mind. We say marriage is a life of love, trust and fidelity. But with the passage of time, love vanishes because passions and infatuations are consummated—though trust and fidelity might make many marriages survive.

Man suffers because of illusion of love. Man suffers because of hallucination of hate. Be it love or hate—both have resultant impact of sufferings at human level. Yet, it is very difficult to presume that love and hate are nonexistence entities in real terms and that it is merely self hypnosis of mind. We say we love our country, religion, relations, society, friends but we also have bouts of revulsion against them occasionally. When we come out of hypnosis we realize that that love was not love and that the same hatred was a misplaced emotion of anger and frustration. but the entire cycle of love and hate creates a lot of hurt and mental agitation So, higher level of understanding supports the idea that there is no objectivity in man’s “love and hate” except that these are good and bad thoughts that we err them for such connotations .

Love is something a totally unique paradigm. In the realm of Love, hate has no existence. Love and hate cannot coexist. The law of opposites is defied in Love or so to say that the logic of law of opposites disappears at higher level of Realization.

Love does not come by seeking—it is a happening—in total unawareness. That is why it is said that “I have “fallen” in love”—that is---- when one falls from a cliff one is absorbed somewhere else—that mind is not conscious of that happening. When we “fall” in a deep water well—we become part of that deep water. That is why we never say that we “rise” in love because in the very act of rising one gets conscious of the I and the Self which implies separation from the real Self, while Love is the unconscious experience of self abnegation

Love is the core of co-existence of life. Yet Death does not mean cessation of life of love. One loses all by falling (dying) in Love, yet ALL is gained. Says Mirdad that “when you LOVE ALL, you hate none”. Love is an act of Grace—a happening—that none can claim as a matter of right.

To summarize, what is love then? --- Love in mystic terminology means annihilation of the self or merging of self with the real SELF—the essence of the Beloved. Jesus chose to deny his existence for Thy Will. Jews hated Jesus. Yet He loved them and prayed for them on Cross. That is Love. Mansur willingly faded away in Allah when all parts of his body were brutalised, Guru Arjan Dev and the four sons of Guru Gobind Singh chose “lovingly the torture of Death” of imperial persecution as ‘tera Bhana meetha laage’. Sarmad attained salvation through the tyranny of Aurangzeb, Bhagat Pralhad lived through the anguish of burning pillar. But all such individuals were blessed souls whose purpose was to manifest the meaning of Love.

Theses are just a few names in mystic history that one can recall as a paradigm of “what is Love”. There could be many more models of such love. Perhaps history lacks record or cannot appreciate the ecstasy of Divine Love.

Let the following verse from Adi granth inspire us-------------------------------

“Mera mujh mein Kuch nahin jo kuch hai so tera,

Tera tujh ko sonpte kaya laage hai mera”.

The moment a person realizes that the real net worth of human existence is nothingness, he cannot hate. Humility sublimates unto him. Mystics have described life as a bubble that can vanish in no time. A small prick sends shivers in the body. A negative thought paralyses the physical and mental frame. A small scratch or a sting can end the body into perpetual dissolution. Tell a person that he is going to die in two hours, he will forget all hate and enemity and will become a better human being. It was not that his real self that was generating hate, but because of his selfish relationship of his “mind-body” with other physical phenomenon.

If the superficial jacket of mind-ego propels someone for the thought of hate, the nothingness of human existence should be recalled. None will dare to hate. Hate if any, will die naturally and Love will bloom.

Read below the beautiful lines of a Mystic singer—Pathana Khan of Pakistan---

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