Mere Mann Ekas Se Chit La,
Ekas Bin Sab Dhund Hai,
Sab Mithya Moh Maya.
Mere Mann Ekas Se Chit La---
The greatest dilemma that any Mystic encounters is that Truth or Reality cannot be given a viable description for the general masses. Mystics coin a few symbolic words to say what cannot be said otherwise. Here Guru Sahib refers Him as EKAS-- the One and the only One TRUTH or the ONE LORD. Truth indeed can be only ONE and not two or many.
Hazur would explain that the Panjabi word DUJA--the “other” or the second one-- is used in Adi Granth for the rest of the Creation. Soami ji has used the word “GER”--- for what is “other” than the LORD. (Recall Soami Ji’s verse---DHYAN GERON KA UTHA USKO BITHANE KE LIYE). Creator is the ONLY TRUTH and rest all "other" is lesser than the TRUTH.
Soul and mind are conceived simultaneously in an Embryo….says the mystic Hazrat Inyat Khan. Before the conception, the Lord, soul and mind are with the ONE…the Creator. Mind (Mann), after birth, dominates the human consciousness and ensures soul's forgetfulness from the ONE. This is the principle of existence on this mortal plane. Till mind attains back that state that was at the Embroynic stage, soul and mind cannot experience the Creator. That is why Guru Sahib exhorts “oh my mind be in tune with the ONE”, with whom you were before you arrived on this earthly plane.
Mind creates million of images of that ONE LORD just as pieces of a broken mirror create multiple reflections of the ONE that appear to be different from the ONE, though the ONE remains unchanged. Truth is reflected in each and every particle of this firmament whether seen or unseen. But the mirror images of the ONE appear altered in time and space. That is how the world or worlds, with myraid shapes and contours are created so to say. It is all the game of Universal mind that the ONE is seen in millions of forms.
The worlds around us, whether mental or material, are the projections of caliberated consciousness of billions of living beings. This is the greatest trick of Mind. They can exist or de-exist depending upon the state of mind and matter. In sleep mode, mind is mute and the world(s) disappear. In waking mode, mind is back with memory and this world(s) reappear. The worlds that come and go cannot be the TRUTH.
Guru Sahib suggests "MANN JEETE JAG JEET----Conquer the power of mind that differentiates between YOU , ME and HE. Men with all their wit and wisdom cannot conquer these mind made material and subtle creations, nor they can understand the ONENESS of the creation, though GOD made man as the TOP OF CREATION--in HIS own image... TATAVAM ASI-----as Vedas call it-- HE and YOU are the same. Yet HE is far removed from YOU in consciousness because mind is attached with the physical, sensual and illusion.
Hazur would say that world needs to be forgotten, it cannot be physically abondoned so long we are living---"is duniya nu bhulna hai, kyonki eh chaddi nahi ja sakdi".Shah Inyat Khan--Piro Murshid of Baba Bulle Shah--also advised his seeker disciple that "Bulleah Rab Da ki Pana, Ethon Putte Ke Othe Lana." Defocus your CHIT--- consciousness of mind from this world to the Lord"---that is the simple solution for God realization.
Ekas Bin Sab Dhund Hai,
"Devoid of ONE all else is fog and foggy"...states the next line of this verse. Again in mystic parlance Guru Sahib innovated the world FOG (“ Dhund”) to decipher the reality of life. FOG manifests itself as an illusion of appearence, that cannot be possessed or grabbed. It vanishes only to appear again. The same is true for the cycle of life and death. Life is an appearence and death is disappearence. Guru sahib says life in this world and fog are synonymous. Kabir Sahib named the cycle of birth, life and death as a Bubble of water—(BULBULA)—that comes out of nothing and vanishes into nothingness after a precipitous protrusion.
Sab Mithya Moh Maya
Transitory reality is presented by Guru Sahib in three potent words-- Mithya, Moh, Maya.
Ø MITHYA---the one that is seen as a reflection of subjective perception for a temporary phase. It is said “BRAHMA SATYAM JAGAN MITHYA”. Brahman, the Absolute Truth, is real truth, and this world is mithya. Then mithya means it is a reflection or shadow. Mithya does not mean that it has no existence. The shadow is also existence. Therefore Vaisnava philosophers say that mithya means temporary. Now consider this human body. This is temporary. That’s the real understanding. And if I say it is mithya, then if I kill you, then why I am punished? I can say, “Oh, it is mithya, it is false. So what is my fault?” No. It is not mithya. Mithiya is “temporary existence. It is temporarily seen because “I”am there to see it. If an animal sees it, it is different from the way “I” see it. That is why it is a subjective transitory perception. The moment “I” cease to exist—it too comes to an end.
Ø MOH— Google’s first entry for MOH is MY OTHER HALF—literally meaning with whom you are attached in life for selfish ends. Panjabi meaning of Moh is infatuated attachment that prevents or bedims the right judgement or causes error of judgement-- leading to wrong knowledge (Gyan).
Ø MAYA— implies illusion that is non reality, but if read in the context of MOH-MAYA, it does mean--- Moh for maya, and that includes the world of the senses that hinders the soul’s search for its ultimate TRUTH and is, therefore, one of the Five Evils—Kam , Krodh, Lobh, Moh,Aahankar. The antidote to MOH is detachment. This is not easy, for the Guru Sahib also preachs living a balanced life and not of renunciation and escapism. Detachment depends on nadar or God’s grace. Says Guru Nanak Sahib “nadari kare ta ehu mohu jai—by (His) grace alone will this moh be annulled.” Guru Nanak Sahib also says—Nadar kare je aapni ta nadri satgur paya-- If the Lord blesses someone with His grace then that grace is showered/received through a Satguru. Then the attachment with Satguru leads to detachment from all material,mental and subtle thoughts and objects.
Mann, Mithiya, Moh and Maya are the major ingredients that are responsible for the separation from the EKAS—the Truth, the Lord. That is why Guru Sahib proclaim---
really nice