The true Reality remains shrouded in mystery in the vast expanse of existence. Our perception, whether of animate or inanimate entities, is inherently relative. It encompasses all that is seen and felt, shaping our understanding of the world. However, this perception is bound by consciousness, an enigma that emerges as entities take birth or find their place in the vast Universe. From the tiniest particles like sand, electrons, and atoms to the grand celestial bodies like the suns, moons, and planets, they all exist within a spectrum beyond which their actions, vibrations, feelings, and thoughts cannot grasp the true nature of Reality.
To simplify this concept, imagine an ant, a dog, a human, or even gods interpreting their surroundings based on the consciousness bestowed upon them. Though the level of consciousness may vary due to circumstances, it can never attain the absolute truth or Reality. A dog perceives life and nature entirely differently from a human, highlighting the limitations of each individual's understanding. This raises the question of the absolute identity of objects. While some may claim that the observer and the observed are one or that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, such notions still impose inherent limitations on experiencing or comprehending Reality.
The concept here is open to the idea of time and space being relative. They are indeed relative, as they are intimately connected with the workings of the human mind, entwined with a certain level of consciousness inherited by each individual. Our comprehension remains flawed and subjective since our birth is beyond our control, determined by our ancestral lineage or the natural course of Creation.
Even as science and technology boast of rationality in machine behavior, it is limited and applicable only to the forces present on Earth, such as temperature, pressure, gravity, and the five elements. These scientific attainments are shaped by pre-defined electromagnetic and gravitational forces, rendering our experiences flawed and temporal in the grand scheme of things.
Suppose one were to experience the ultimate or God-consciousness. In that case, it would surpass human consciousness, which is currently considered the highest level of mental awareness. Yet, even such an experience would be challenging to decipher or communicate within the confines of human understanding.
As for dream, reality remains unexplored in this discourse, as its production and experience continue to remain shrouded in mystery, existing within the realm of a virtual reality we are yet to fully comprehend.