Sunday, March 10, 2019


Babaji’s short satsang in English (for 10 minutes.)
(Memory recall as understood)
Date and Venue-- 9th March 2019 at Bhatti New Delhi


We all want to acquire knowledge. What is knowledge? It means “to know”.
Knowledge is not to be confused with understanding. The more the knowledge the more confused we are. Unless knowledge is put into action (practice) we will not acquire understanding.

Our holy scriptures provide us with a wealth of knowledge revealed by mystics who attained understanding through personal experience by applying themselves to meditation or blessed by the Divine. Simply by reading the scriptures we may get information of their experience but unless we ourselves acquire similar understanding, the Divine remains a concept. To get out of domain of concept, action and practice is needed.

These days knowledge is available at the touch of the button on internet but that does not give us understanding. If a computer disc is loaded with data beyond its capacity, then at some point of time it is sure to breakdown and show error on the computer screen. The same is true with our mind. It gets confused under the burden of so called knowledge and information.

 A person may have a lot of information on how to drive a car but unless he has himself driven the car, there would be always lurking doubt in his mind in confidently handling the steering wheel.

We fill and crowd our mind with concepts from holy texts, but lack strength when exposed to adversities of life. This is because our faith is not based on solid foundation. If the foundation of faith is on sand, the structure is sure to crumble. When we lead life in this world with imperfect concepts that lack understanding, then there is bound to be distress and pain. 

Information, knowledge and concepts have not been able to bring fundamental change in our life that is desired for going through the ups and downs of life. Meditation helps us in going above the realm of concepts that leads to greater understanding of the Reality. This gives us strength to face adversities of life.