Tuesday, January 8, 2019



20th century’s concept of linkage between efforts and results, infinity, convertibility of matter into energy and vice-versa, understanding of relative motion and relativity, electromagnetic radiations, visible and invisible spectrums of light and sound, agricultural and environmental insights have expanded the vision of interdependency of man and Nature or gives indication of Oneness of man with the rest of the Creation; thereby endorsing the Universality of the Lord.
Psychoanalytical studies and science have proved that what we think or believe may not be true either for us or comprehensively.  The query of “who I am” and the necessity to “know thy self” have pertinent relevance perpetually.

So far as the concept of “efforts and results” is concerned, SCIENCE AND LIFE has two distinct narratives.

In a technological application, input (effort) must yield required output (result), subject to certain mechanical or electrical losses, within a predefined time and space.

In life, efforts may or may not yield any results or there could be no perceptible outcome, in a desired Time and Space. In simple words this means that karma performed may not yield results as anticipated. Moreover Good Karma for me may not be good karma for others, while bad Karma may be settlement of past karmic debt.

For example

a)      Charity may inflate ego self or charitable disposition may create dependency in others.

b)      Likewise seeking of profitability—which is good -- may incur loss for others— which may then be exposed to retribution. (Islamic jurisprudence prohibits levy of interest on any loan contract on the grounds that it provides "unearned profit to the lender" and imposes "an unfair obligation on the borrower."  Though this practice is seldom followed now in Islam—but it reflects the sensitivity of “haq hallal kee kamye”.)

c)       A statement that I am truthful person-- may inflate ego, thus negating the very seeking of the Lord that requires elimination of “I”.

Science is logical and can be understood with our existing level of awareness.  Life is a science but yet largely unexplored and therefore unpredictable. Higher level of consciousness is needed to comprehend Life.


The first word that the Guru Nanak Sahib mentioned in Mool mantra was Eko—the one (—in Gurmukhi). There is only one and only one power. Any concept of duality or “Duja”or Dvait or Shirk is wrong and misleading. All that exists is Him and the Him alone. The diversity is an illusion. When the Guru spoke about the One –it means absence of two, three, four, and five and so on. “1” or One is not a numerical representation of God. Numbers are relative to each other, the One is absolute without a second.
This “1” or One is symbolic that God is beyond limitations of measurements and evaluation. Another example—in our day to day living we apply mathematical logic say for addition of 4+4=8. But in mystical understanding, that defies logic and we will have to presume 4+4=1. Because each of four things is born out of the action of one that is infiniteअनन्त.  Another way of understanding infinity in a limited manner is—take sun, giving light—yet its light is not diminished daily.. The energy in sun is thus an infinite source of energy. 
In a scientific equation the expression would be of “infinite”+ “infinite”= “infinite” and “infinite-infinite”= “infinite”. Infinity added with anything, or anything subtracted from infinity is still infinity because none of them can still be counted and there is no theoretical end to infinity. Nothing can be added or subtracted from the One that is infinite. It is absolute Oneness of the Divine with no religion, race or gender. 
Endorsing the notion of EKO—Kabir Sahib says—एक कहे तो है नहीं दो कहों तो गार ,जेसे को तेसा कहेकहे कबीर विचार // Kabir says he is at loss to count Him. He is what he is.
Mystics have defined this as a transcendental experience --- जैसे में आवे खसम की बानी तेस्ड़ा करों ज्ञान वे लालू—guru Nanak; कह कबीर हम धुर के भेदी लाये हुकम हजूरी –kabir sahib  
Billions of people, creatures, vegetation, hills and oceans—all that is seen and unseen is a projection of the One that is boundless and infinite. The illusion of many is also an experience projected by the One. For example, if an object is seen in a mirror, it replicates itself as an image. If thousands of mirrors are kept in a room, then one will get reflected as thousands of such images. Thus a single object is transformed into thousands of image. This is just an analogy how one can be many at the same time. Five elements of nature— ether, air, fire, water earth—are made by the One, the EKO. All other things have their origin in them.

In 1905, Einstein proved that energy and mass of the matter are related. He developed the equation, E = mc2, _ where E stands for the energy , “m” its mass of the matter, and “c” the universal constant, the velocity of light. This seemingly simple equation changed the world of physics. It suggests that mass and energy are mutually convertible and indestructible. Thus all that we see as matter is primal energy undergoing constant change and manifesting itself as matter without diminishing.

There is no mortification of matter and energy—though it may appear to be so.  The concept of indestructibility enunciated in physics has a parallel in ancient Indian philosophy. Each particle or matter has a soul, the spark of Divinity-- with varying degree of consciousness-- that cannot be destroyed –it can simply change to a new level of awareness in different forms. For example--कण कण में भगवान है   

For example -- Bhagwad Gita says that the soul is indestructible as energy.
Divine energy as a soul and then soul working in tandem with mind, matter and five elements at various planes signifies the One Lord whose expanse is both perceptible and imperceptible. 
THUS MAYA is the experience of witnessing the changing  matter into energy and vice versa. What we deem lifeless or beings of lesser consciousness is a living matter because of its intimate connectivity with the Supreme being. A stone is not lifeless—it has spark of fire embedded into it. Likewise water is not lifeless as it is the very basis of all life forms. Air is provides life to all being; thus has life impregnated into it. Sun, Moon and other planets are forces of Nature that sustain life. Conclusively there is nothing that is lifeless as everything has its origin in the Primal Life—that is God or the Primal energy. 

Scientific relationship between ENERGY AND MATTER ELABORATED.
The energy generated equivalent to one atom bomb called “Little Boy” dropped in Hiroshima in 1945 was (64x1016 Joules). Thus about 0.70 kg of mass of matter (uranium in this case), is required to carry out explosive destruction which is said to come out of 15500 tons of TNT (tri nitro toluene—an explosive). This illustrates how much energy is stored in the matter, if converted atomically. 
It is therefore mind boggling that how much power is made available by the Lord for sustaining this creation. Lord is Omnipotent in all respects. He has done all that is to be done. He need not act in phases or parts because He is always empowered for doing and the done. That is why He is an effortless doer. The movie is already made and we are watching it in the conundrum of time and space.  
(Even if theoretically Einstein equation  of e=mc2 is applied for the energy (e) generated where (m) is the mass say of 1 kg and (c) is the speed of light of 300,000,000 m/sec (300 million meter per second) (or 3 lakh km/second)  then energy generated is 90,000,000,000,000,000(90x1016)) Joules/second, or 90000 trillion joules /second or 90000 lakh crore Joules/second. Since 1 Joule/second= one watt, it equals 90000 trillion watts or 90000 lakh crores watts.) For greater simplified understanding a 100 watt electric lamp can stay lighted for 28.5 million years—though the process of converting mass into energy with 100% efficiency is not that simple—but it gives an idea of energy packed by the Creator in one kg. of matter. Conversely a lot of energy is required to produce a small amount of matter m= e/c2 

Soami ji mentions the infinite energy God as सिंध देश— the Oceanic expanse; and this creation as boond बूँद देश or a drop—that is responsible for the origin of mind, maya, five elements and three Gunas (sato, Rajo, Tamo)- as the basis of this creation constituting ब्रहमंड, अंड, पिंड regions.  A drop of the Divinity is incomprehensible. To quote Sarbachan --
मुफरद बूँद हमारी आयी , तिस में माया आन मिलायी
पांच तत्व और तिन गुण रले, यह सब दस आपस में मिले
रल मिल कर इन रचना ठानी , तीन लोक और चारो खानी 


SCIENCE HAS led us to conclude that we are imperfect observers. Human awareness is limited to the extent it is structured to function in this creation. Unless there is primary God gifted “Elevated Awareness” we will not be able to capture anything despite our senses.  The senses are vital for transmission of signals to the cerebral consciousness, but it is the human awareness that leads these signals to certain conclusion and understanding. The soul or the inner consciousness is thus crucial for understanding the Self than the outer frame of physical body and senses. Science evidences this fact. As an illustration consider following examples--
1                     Sitting at home or anywhere we feel that we are stationary. Logically we are rotating with earth and also circling around the Sun. This movement is relative to others objects. This can be observed from the fact that day is changing into night and night is progressing towards the day.
2                     We see sky as blue but at night it is black. The incidence of type light changes the color. Likewise sea appears to be blue, dark blue, black depending upon the time of the day. The same is true with appearances on earth. What we see is relative to surrounding circumstances.
3                     We may feel air touching our skin—but do not feel the moisture in the air. But air and moisture are co-existent in any normal environment—though we may not be conscious of this phenomenon.
4                     We may claim that that we walk. Unless earth and gravity are there, it is impossible to walk. We cannot walk on water.
5                     We feel we are growing daily. Infact we are dying every moment.

6                     We feel that we see because of our eyes or hear because of ears or speak because of mouth/ tongue. A deeper understanding will reveal that it is basic consciousness gifted to us that sensual currents are transmitted to brain and thoughts flow from subtle planes. Then coagulations of ideas take place which prompt us to act.

7                     It is commonly said that 85-90 % of human work is done by our eyes but consider the inbuilt constraints on our seeing. For both eyes combined (binocular) visual field is 135° vertical and 200° horizontal. Microscope can see more details. Telescope increases capacity to watch distant objects.

8                     Do we see all colours or not? Many animals can only see black and white.

9                     We do not see because of light falling on the object but what is reflected from the object. We do not and cannot see X-rays that are not reflected by the human body. We are unable to appreciate the electro- magnetic waves –like radio waves etc. that are the basis of TV and mobile telephony. 

Our eyes receive a 2D image. Our brain uses a combination of the parallax between the eyes and other visual cues to interpret the 3D scene. It also does a fair bit of combining images across time to build up a more complete stereotype visual picture. The actual image coming in from an eye is a lot worse than one would think; our consciousness of our vision occurs after brain has processed it.
 Thus all our experiences are relative and not absolute.
 Socrates argued that people are largely ignorant of what they want. Unless people acquire a life of good virtues---- wisdom (compassion, love, Dharma), Justice (fairness for all), Fortitude/Patience (courage to face pleasure and pain with restraint), and Temperance (moderation or control over personal greed) they are bound to regret.

For example—all of us believe in seeking happiness as the prime purpose of life and therefore material wealth, powerful position, good family and social life are of paramount importance. In pursuit of these very objectives, there is more pain than pleasure. The so called Happiness is riddled with fear and worries of all sorts or with concerns of losing what we have, and therefore is illusory. The developed societies in USA and Europe are also devoid of “ real happiness”.  Poor happiness index in these countries reflects frustration and depression.    

But the collective wisdom of society which is in “99% majority” is unable to grasp this fact. Materialism means everything to the elite class. Thus there is भेड़ चाल for all. Balance 1% is a mute spectator. This world shall remain imperfect and full of contradictions. The best is to reform and understand the Self---Know Thyself—than to shout slogans to others of change for the better.
Can we “know” ourselves by our ten Gyan and Karm Indriya or the ten senses of touch, taste, seeing, hearing, and smelling (gyan) in addition to use of moving, grasping, speaking, reproducing and eliminating (karm). These inner and outer outlets of mind and body are very fickle, prone to change and forced by direction of Pralbdh karma.
 Also every moment there is a change taking place within the mind and the outer environment. So long as outer and inner self are in harmony we feel momentary happiness that gets vitiated as soon as there is conflict between the outer environment and the physical frame resulting into sadness or anguish. All these ten senses are integral part of the mind and body. Unless, says Socrates we know the soul—which is the eternal self—the eternal happiness or bliss cannot be experienced.
When we know the soul or the eternal self, then all of us realize that there is no “you”, “he”, “we”, “they” and “me”. All are a string of One. If “you” or “he” or “they” are hurt , I too will be hurt. If I am happy, then you too will be happy.
One cannot build One’s heaven on the hell of others.  If each one of us tries to be better human being from within/inside, only then, the society will be blissful. Otherwise the sordid story of human misery will continue. 
An oracle in Greece declared Socrates the wisest man. Socrates responded that “I know nothing”. He went to the wise men in the town and found that what they claimed “to know”, was not the real knowledge and therefore they knew not. (Meaning they had no concept of the soul). Atleast Socrates was honest in his admission that “I know nothing” and Oracle had rightly declared him as the wisest person of honesty and intellectual integrity.
There could be another tangible answer to his admission of “I know nothing”. And that is=== only “HE” knows because “I” is the ego self –separate from the Lord.
Until our Vivek is blessed by a perfect Guru and we pursue the path outlined by Him, we cannot traverse our journey on the mystical road.
ज्ञान अंजन गुरु दिया अज्ञान अंधेर बिनास, हर कृपा ते संत भेटया नानक मन परगास//
कुंबे बधा जल रहे , जल बिन कुम्भ न होए ज्ञान का बधा मन रहे, गुरु बिन ज्ञान न होए//  
पड़िए जेते बरस बरस पड़िए  जेते मास;;
पड़िए जेते आरजा पड़िए जेते सास
नानक लेखे इक गल होर होअमे झख्न झाख
इल्मों बस करियूं यार , इको अल्फ तेरे दरकार



The following verse of Kabir Sahib’s daughter Kamaali, in the context of a learned Pandit Sarvajeet on scriptural insights of spirituality of holy books compared to mystical realization of the Supreme Being by a true Master can have some relation to the narrative of the Dr. Prem Saran Satsangi  Sahib.
 ‘कबीर का घर शिखर पे जहाँ सिलसिली गैल
पाँव न टिके पपील का पंडित लाधे बैल’
 Meaning- Kabir’s abode is at the peak of mountain whose path is greasy and cramped where even an ant’s feet fail to crawl; the learned Pandit has bought a bullock cart (full of books).

By author/speaker’s own admission, the current expansion of scientific insights cannot capture the higher and the purest spiritual phenomenon. (However some details of “Pind” desh or the physical cosmology of this material plane can be better interpreted with advancement of scientific systems and components evolved in last 3-4 centuries.)
He further remarks that the original “cause of Ultimate Realty or the Absolute Reality” is present only with the Supreme Being or in the Purely Spiritual Region. Rest of it is effect that we “perceive” or “experience” in the other two planes (universal mind & physical) and that too within the limitations of our understanding. So we are able to “monitor the effects”—that is-- we don’t have control on the effects too.  
Cause can neither be understood nor interpreted while effect can be seen and monitored but “why” of such effect also cannot be fathomed. As humans we are mere observers and not knowers. Thus narrative is hardly has any rationale reasoning, except that this is it and  what it is.
This treatise lays no stress on the necessity of a living Master, the noble attributes of the Lord’s love, will, grace and compassion neither speaks about humility surrender, gratitude or forgiveness of karmas/sins of the seeker.
Why Divinity can be blessed by “God as Satguru” or “Word made Flesh” has not been touched?
a)      The Realty or inner planes of consciousness described by the Saints are on the basis of inner mystical experience. The mere diagrammatic portrayal by the author of the 18 sub-divisions from the pre-creational to post creational states and naming them as e1, e2, e3—e6, f1-f6, g1—g6 does not make them scientific or logical.

The existence of invisible Padam, Kamal and chakras, linked to nerve centers or “ganglia” in the body are stages of awareness, each representing multiple states of consciousness one above the other. No reasoning for their existence is given—except that the Nature has willed it so.

(Similar elaboration and citations in graphic format are available in RSSB books like “The Path of the Masters” and others too).

Mystics have also subdivided various regions into five or sometimes three regions depending upon the simplicity of narrative and broad categorization.

To call all them a scientific research is assumptive rather than factual.

b)      Neither the idea of grey and white area in human brain has any scientific and mystical basis.
c)       God cannot be measured or experienced through frequencies –except that conditions of sentient beings can be assessed. That is applicable for the physical plane only.   
d)      Furthermore two successive Big-bangs mentioned by the Author— is a theory conceived by scientists or intellectuals, then justified imaginatively because universe exists in scattered form. It carries little rationale from the mystic perspective.
e)      Science is within the domain of thought and reasoning while God is not. Says Soami Ji in Sar Bachan—
जहाँ मिल्लोनी तन्हा विचार,
हमारा देश एक सतनाम
वहां विचार का कछु न काम
कर विचार इन दोखा खाया
बूँद देश में जाये मिलाया 

Wherever mind, maya and matter are mixed, that is the region of thought.
My (Radha Saomi) abode is region of Satnam (eternal truth),
Where thought does not exist.
By dwelling on thought and reasoning they remain deluded.
Thus they confine themselves to realm of Universal mind.
Even Guru Nanak Sahib—
सोचे सोच न होवई जे सोचे लखवार

God cannot be realized by the purity of mind and reasoning or logic.
Divine realization, according to Sant Mat, is a matter of grace. Guru Nanak repeats the final word in Jap Ji
जिन को नदर करम तिन कार,, नानक नदरी नदर निहाल
Those who are blessed with His Grace, to them He redeems—says Nanak.

All the mystics have stressed the need of a true living Master Mentor—Guru or Satguru-- who is “Word made flesh” or the Supreme Being Himself dons human attire to reveal His secrets to a few yearners of mystical Reality. However the very opening page of the subject compilation states “He (Soami Ji Maharaj- Shiv Dayal Singh Ji) was the Incarnation of the Supreme Being and had descended from the Highest Spiritual Region and had assumes Human Form at will. He never needed, nor had He any Guru”. The statement “He never needed, nor had He any Guru” is negation of the necessity of Guru that is against the fundamental tenets of Soami Ji’s teachings for the souls seeking Mukti or redemption or liberation from the cycle of 84. It is unclear whether the author is in agreement with this line of thinking. Soami Ji writes in Sar Bachan----
गुरु का धयान कर प्यारे, बिना इस के नहीं छूटना

गुरु की सरन द्रिड. कर ले, बिना इस काज नहीं सरना

Only by contemplating on the form Guru, one can attain oneness with Lord to get rid of bondage of flesh.
Perpetually and firmly surrender yourself to the Master, without this nothing is of avail

This presentation makes understanding of macro and micro aspect of creation simpler.
Macro envelopes the God, the Universal Mind and the physical planes while human being is also connected with God, Universal Mind and the material creation through six chakras below the eye centre. Not only micro is helpful in understanding the macro, both states are intertwined in the Existence.