Saturday, January 25, 2014


Please click on the following link to read the item:



Tejinder Narang

Many seekers of Living Gurus crave for closeness with their Masters for transcendental attainments. The presumption that spiritual progression requires physical proximity has little relevance because spirituality cannot be “taught” but “caught” through meditative concentration as preached, rather than any external affiliation. Otherwise spirituality gets reduced to religious ritualism of visiting or living near holy places.

Mystics lead an inner life of Divinity, incorrigible to disciples in outer life. The so called nearness has inherent hazard of being misled by an aspirant’s own human perceptivity and relativity, thereby, doubting the Divinity of the Master, reducing Him to a common man, culminating into lack of faith in Him and straying from the noble path.

Mystics too allude to allegorical forewarnings—Is a teacher not pleased with the hard work for educational excellence of his students than having them around? The warmth of a fire can be captured from a distance but proceeding forward for physical proximity may inflate seekers ego, akin to entering into flames of self- destruction and blocking own progression. Another comment -- If attainment of “radiant light within/ or inner awakening is the goal, then searching with a lamp on one’s hand in daylight is self- induced delusion.

 A Guru was asked-- that sometimes disciples approach Him with manipulative intentions, hiding facts and the truth. But He compassionately assists them. The Guru clarified that He responds the way facts are presented to Him, but any craftiness of the seeker will have its own karmic retribution. That individual shall surely meet his nemesis.

The operation of karmic law is in no way diminished because of personal proximity with any Master, neither any spiritual benefit accrues.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


This is an article from Business Line ePaper appeared on 22nd January, 2014

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Tejinder Narang
Recent views of analysts that world grain prices are bearish simply because they are declining in USA’s Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT), may not be entirely true. Price action in Black sea region has been totally opposite to what transpired in future exchanges. USA’s leadership in agro trade is gradually tripping and pricing of other origins is asserting internationally. Some of the facts reported below descript diminishing role of USA in world’s grain trade.
 USA’s share in world wheat trade has declined to 20% from 30-35% in 1990-2008.  Recently, Black Sea nations of Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan are the largest single block of wheat exporters of about 35 million tons (mts) while USA’s share is around 28-30 mts in world’s total volume of 140mts.
Egypt, the world’s largest wheat buyer (10-12 mts per annum) is heavily dependent upon Black Sea Wheat( BSW) and so are other nations in Africa and Mid-east. Far- East is supplied by Australian wheat. Since 2011, Indian wheat export of about 5-6 mts is competing with BSW (Black Sea Wheat) and Australia.
 US future exchanges-- Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) and Kansas Board of Trade (KBOT)  are no longer “reliable” platforms of price discovery. High speculative interest of hedge funds in future trades distorts evaluations. Even the price trends (bullish or bearish) indicated by these exchanges are disregarded by other origins. During last quarter of 2013, values of US’s Hard Red Winter (HRW-12% protein) wheat which is comparable to Indian wheat and  tracked by KBOT have plummeted by $45/mt ($290 fob) , while Black Sea quotes climbed up by $45/mt from $250 to $295.
 From India’s export perspective, Black Sea values are more relevant than what is happening in US or its future exchanges. Moreover Indian fob export price has to be compared with the landed cost (CIF) of the nearest origin—that is Black Sea or Australia—to assess the premium or discounts it is fetching from the buyers.
USA is world largest producer of the corn of about 350 mts. USA had about 60% share in world coarse grains in 2000-08 but now down to 40%.  This year exports have declined by 26% to 40 mts from high of 54 mts in 2010-11. Recently China “rejected” about 600000 metric tons of US corn on GMO related aberrations though China requires about 5 mts maize this year. USA or its sellers cannot muster courage to drag China to international arbitration or WTO for destabilizing the market for the fear of blocking future business. Embarrassed USA has stomached the Chinese blow in silence, because Red Dragon imports 65 mts of Soy bean, mostly from US. Discarded corn cargos are finally offloaded in Japan, South Korea, Indonesia and elsewhere at a discount. Perhaps to firm up CBOT prices, USDA unsuccessfully fiddled with the corn yield on lower side in its monthly report of 10th January 2014.
Corn exports from the trio-- Argentina, Brazil and Ukraine-- of 20mts each (total 60 mts) keep dampener in US prices due to lower fob values. Thus it is this trio that determines world’s maize prices rather than CBOT. Irony is that the Uncle Sam has supported higher GMO corn productions in these  South American countries from where they are facing fumes of competition. Blockage of logistical arteries, road/rail/ports, in Brazil/Argentina are however negative for their trade. Indian corn export is also calibrated basis quotes from this trio and not USA.
USA was never a front runner in rice trade, while India is. Surprisingly, USA and Pakistan are on the same footing for rice production and exports. Each (US and Pakistan) produces about 6-7 mts of rice, and export about 3-3.5 mts. This is in contrast to the India’s export of 10-11 million (25% of world trade) and about 7-8 mts each by Thailand and Vietnam.    Global rice trade is forecast to reach 40 mts for the first time from about 38 mts because of additional demand of China to be serviced mainly by Vietnam.

Three demand vectors derive Indian supremacy in rice trade—the populist but unfriendly Thai trading policies, demand pull of Basmati rice from Iran, and  switching of Sub-Saharan consumers traditional foods (e.g., cassava and millet) to rice, which is viewed as a “fast” food because of its shorter preparation time. The expansion in African price-sensitive markets has been supplied largely by India and Vietnam.

Rice trade is linked to processing of paddy, packaging, blending rather than bulk shipments. It is more labour intensive. Participation of USA in the rice trade in a big way is difficult.

Lower world markets of wheat and corn are not a good news for Indian exports, which range about 6 mts and 4 mts annually. However in Basmati rice exports –which are growing –is highly value added item. Non-Basmati rice export will depend upon Thailand’s ability to sustain its financial and economic mismanagement. USA price profile is thus marginal so far India’s overseas trade is concerned.

Monday, January 20, 2014


FROM THE "ECONOMIC TIMES OF INDIA"--- 22nd    December 2012

Men and Masters
Tejinder Narang
First, man craves for physical well being and material comforts; second he prays for peace of mind and third, he desires a relationship with the Divine. First and second options dominate humanity; seekers of third option are scarce.  Natural Law supplies all such demands.

There are Masters sent from Higher Regions who offer physical and material comforts to their followers.  “ They are of the world; therefore speak of the world and the world hearth them”. (1 John 4.5) Their disciples remain in cycle of transmigration, because karmic principle mandates that what be given must be settled in multiple life forms for sustenance of this creation.

Masters of second option also emanate from still superior Consciousness. They propagate to their flock “peace of mind” through Holy Scriptures, worshipping, good deeds and charities.  They keep world a tolerable habitat, preserve balance of good and evil and offer solace to inmates of this “worldly prison” to be content with their lot. Their followers too return on earthly plane to reap rewards of their good actions in better environments where spiritual yearning may spring.

Perfect Masters—the third option-- are God in human form.{ “We are of God; he that knoweth God heareth us: he that is not of God hearth not us. (1 John 4.6)”.} They know their sheep. The sheep listen to their Whistle of Word. Such Masters unshackle these “elect” souls from “cosmic prison” through Divine “intimacy” attained by meditative concentration. One goes the way where the Beloved is.  That is eternal redemption-- where pain, pleasure and peace etc. are irrelevant.
Can a person find a Perfect Master? Not by choice, but by Grace.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014



Memory recall (as heard and understood)

In spirituality we must reflect upon the principle of karmic determination and retribution. It is true that many civilizations do not subscribe to karmic philosophy but in this scientific age there is an irrefutable evidence of law of action and reaction and of cause and effect or of “as shall you sow, so shall you reap”. It is thus imperative that we must perform all actions with greatest care and restraint. करमी आपो आपणी के नेड़ै के दूरि

Good and bad deeds both keep us bonded to this cosmic creation. Saints caution about “tapo raaj and rajjon narak”. (Noble actions may  provide us a status of a Ruler or King, but then as a King we are prone to commit oppressive deeds with unchallenged commands, that may drag us back to hell.) So we remain in the cycle of come and go of “eighty four” (life forms of 8,400,000 or 8.4 million species)

Let us consider the worshipping the Lord. It will be incorrect to attribute lack of objectivity in conventional पाठ और पूजा (path and pooja). There are primary classes for a child. Unless the child graduates to higher classes in a college, he cannot acquire an intended degree of professional excellence. पाठ और पूजा (path and pooja) have their domain and profile but cannot be supportive of Mukti or salvation or perpetual redemption from the cycle of eighty four. For attainment of Mukti, we need to jettison from the karmic cycle. This requires the support of a power that can pull our attention inward and upward through meditation.

Our mind can be attuned in meditative concentration once the body is in still—sunn—posture. If the glass is shaking, the water too will be shaky. Even after the glass has become stable, water still remains shaky for some time. Likewise shifting body posturing will enable mind to run in diverse directions due to its inherent restlessness and fickleness. So the stillness of the body is the condition precedent for purposeful meditation.

Meditation is an effort. It will be erroneous to expect attainment of Mukti (perpetual salvation) by our efforts, even if this done vigorously in many human lives. Our Bhajan and simran is merely an attempt in that direction for seeking His forgiveness and grace.. असी भूलनहार हाँ , बक्श ले बक्श ले. Mukti depends upon His grace alone and the happening of that moment is beyond the realm of predictability. The inheritance of the Father is meant for the children. However, the Father gives the inheritance (of spirituality/ mukti), when he finds his children are fit for those assets which He has preserved for them.

On pain in life

Distress, deprivation and periods of discomfort are an integral part of life. “एहि भि दाति तेरी दातार EVEN THESE ARE YOUR GIFTS, O GREAT GIVER!” (Jap Ji –Adi Granth page 5). This too is in response of our own actions of past incarnations.  Settlement of karmic account is the causative factor behind these pain and pleasures. 

In absolute sense there is nothing good or bad. सुख दुःख दोनों सम कर जानो और मान अपमाना . Our relative evaluation of good and bad is the creation of human mind. The Lord makes no mistakes; He knows best and acts accordingly. All are equal for Him. No favour or preferential treatment is meted out to anyone.  But we take a judgemental view on His Will as per our limited analytical and intellectual faculties compounded by ego, ignorance and self-interest.   Abundances and bounties of this creation are freely gifted to all by the Lord.  They remain unacknowledged with our gratitude and taken as granted. He has given them without our asking.   

Biographical accounts of Saints mention of the sufferings they have gone through in their lives. They themselves become the living paradigm. When we assign an important and responsible job to someone, we do evaluate his proficiency and capabilities of delivery according to our expectations. Likewise we should be grateful to the Lord that He has found us competent and resilient in going through such adversities. If He has reposed faith in us, why, we be found wanting? Why be nagged with a feeling of remorse when all belongs to Him.

(An illustrative story was narrated by Babaji)---A king had a tremendous liking for one his Vazirs(ministers). Other courtiers were jealous of King’s fondness. They wanted to find some faults/failings/weakness of Vazir to vitiate his persona in the eyes of the King. Finally the opponents secretly discovered that Vazir goes to  a small room every morning, bolts that chamber from inside,  emerges after a minute and relocks it. None else is allowed entry in that private area.  Vazir must be stealing something precious and hiding it –they thought, and complained to the King.

The King finally persuaded Vazir to open the room and reveal to all the secret of his daily visitations. Upon unlocking the room, King and other courtiers found a torn shirt and pyjama on a depleted chair. King questioned the Vazir about the presence of these pieces. Vazir replied I daily come here to remind myself of my primal status (हैसीयत)  that--- “all I perhaps possess is this nothingness-- frail body riddled with all forms of complications — (torn pieces of clothes) in this world (meaning the chair and a room or a place of shelter)”. The rest all that I seem to possess is gifted by my Honourable King (implying the Lord).

Painful events in life can be very troubling. They can be managed when we surrender all to Him. That state of surrender and acceptance of His Hukam comes through Bhajan, Simran and His grace.  His grace is always there but our vessel is upside down. This is what Hazur would explain usually. Our daily meditation means cleaning the vessel and keeping its top opening up, from where the rainwater can be collected.  If the vessel is unclean, all the grace will go waste.  One must also digest the spiritual grace when bestowed. If something that is vomited and not digested, how can anybody gain strength or be powerful?

Hazur would also explain about the artificial distinction we make in determining what is good or bad. Christians go to church and take off their hats as reverence to the Lord. Hindus and Sikhs cover their heads in places of worship. There is no mitigation in devotion by followers of any of these religions with heads naked or covered. Thus pleasure and pain is relative. The realization comes upon higher understanding for which our meditation is must.

We should not be found lacking in our daily meditation. Rest will be done by the Lord Himself.


Extract from ADI GRANTH—page 5

केतिआ दूख भूख सद मार

So many endure distress, deprivation and constant abuse.

एहि भि दाति तेरी दातार

Even these are Your Gifts, O Great Giver!

बंदि खलासी भाणै होइ

Liberation from bondage comes only by Your Will.

होरु आखि सकै कोइ

No one else has any say in this

आपे जाणै आपे देइ

He Himself knows, He Himself gives.

आखहि सि भि केई केइ

Few, very few are those who acknowledge this.